Letter to Birth Parents

Dear Friends,

It is an honor to have the opportunity to introduce ourselves to you. We hope you will feel our love as we sincerely pray for the Lord's guidance throughout this process. We are thankful for the opportunity to adopt and would love to have an open adoption. Please feel free to view our ADOPTION VIDEO, PICTURES or our LDS Family Services profile at: www.itsaboutlove.org click on View Adopting Family Profiles, sign in as a guest and search for us by name Cory or JoJo (Joanne). To contact our caseworker at LDS Family Services please call  702-385-1072 or 1-800-537-2229.

About us:
We met through, JoJo's (Joanne’s) brother-in-law who was Cory’s LDS mission companion in South Carolina. We wrote letters back and forth, developing a strong friendship. After Cory returned from his mission we started dating, and began to develop a deeper love for each other than we had ever experienced. In time, we knew that our love was eternal, and desired to become a forever family. After a year of dating, Cory purposed to JoJo in the middle of an ice pond with a pink ring pop (don't worry, the real ring was in the car). We were married in the Mount Timpanogos Temple, and sealed as a forever family. We have always enjoyed the presence of children and desire to have a family of our own. Thankfully, through the miracle of adoption, we will be able to make our dream a reality.

JoJo’s Thoughts About Cory:
Cory is a sports fanatic and loves to watch, play, and coach football, baseball, and basketball. He loves doing things outdoors, such as camping, and anything involving the water. Cory also enjoys spending time with his family, especially his many younger cousins, nieces and nephews. He is the second oldest of five kids and considers his older brother his best friend. The two of them are often found taking their cousins to ball games, or playing football with them. We are both very close to his family,and enjoy playing games with them.

Cory is very easy going and loving. He would give up anything to help another person. He is a hard worker and is great with children. One of his favorite things to do is help his younger nieces and nephews become better athletes. He loves to help everyone succeed and accomplish their goals. Cory is extremely loving and supportive in every aspect of his life, and his dedication to serving others is illustrated in his boundless and deep affection that he shows the people he helps. He is filled with a peaceful, strong sense of duty that will serve him well as a Dad.

Cory has a bachelor degree in Exercise Science, and is in the process of earning his Doctorate in Physical Therapy. He loves to learn new things about the human body and sharing his knowledge with others, especially when it involves improving athletic performance. He enjoys sports and would like to continue to help athletes recover from their injuries.

Cory’s Thoughts About JoJo:
JoJo enjoys playing board games and spending time with family. She is the youngest of four children, and her older sister has always been her best friend. All of JoJo’s siblings are married, and have several nieces and nephews that JoJo loves to play with. JoJo enjoys dancing,going on walks, sports and being outdoors. She loves to travel and go on vacations, especially when it's to visit her family in New Mexico. Her favorite activities to do on our weekly date, are playing miniature golf, and watching our local baseball team play ball.

JoJo is an incredible person. She has a big heart and is concerned for everyone. She is selfless, very service oriented, and is constantly looking for opportunities where she can lighten someone's burden. One of the things that stands out the most with JoJo is how open she is in dedicating her time, emotion, and energy in working one-on-one with others.  She is extremely friendly and has no trouble relating and getting along with anyone. These are all qualities that I believe will make her an outstanding Mom.

JoJo loves working closely with teenagers and strives to set a good example for them. JoJo is a nurse and enjoys bringing joy to everyone she meets. JoJo’s goal to become a nurse is strengthened by knowing she will have extra knowledge and ability to care for her children. She loves learning about psychology and the human body, and likes to share what she has learned to help others. JoJo will be an attentive and loving mother. It shows in the ways that she takes care of her family, friends, and in her joy and love of life. These are just a few reasons why I believe JoJo will make an amazing stay-at-home-mom.

About Adoption:
We are humbled to have the opportunity to adopt and are grateful to you for your courage and selflessness. With three of our cousins joining our family through adoption, we have seen personally how adoption can bless a family and are anxious for that blessing to come into our home.

JoJo has always wanted to be a stay-at-home mom and to teach our children by a loving example. We feel that by teaching through example, we will be able to develop a strong relationship with our children and will be better able to help them learn responsibility and love. We feel that a home filled with love makes a happy family and we look forward to establishing one of our own.

We have just about every ethnicity represented in our family and are joyful to have the opportunity to adopt any child. We feel that there are never too many people to love a child and would prefer an open adoption if that is desired. We would like to establish a strong relationship, open communication, and a true friendship. 

Thank you for allowing us this opportunity to share a little bit about ourselves with you. We pray that your heart will be filled with comfort and love as you go through this process.
Please feel free to view our ADOPTION VIDEO, PICTURES or our LDS Family Services profile at: www.itsaboutlove.org click on View Adopting Family Profiles, sign in as a guest and search for us by name Cory or JoJo (Joanne). To contact our caseworker at LDS Family Services please call  (702)385-1072 or 1-800-537-2229.

We are excited to gain a powerful friendship with you and are anxious to get to know you. Please feel free to contact us or our case worker at any time.
(702)385-1072 Thank you.

With much love,

Cory and JoJo (Joanne)