JoJo's Family

JoJo's Family loves each other very much and are extremely close to one another.  They love to be together as a family and watch the little ones play together.
The Kids:
We have 5 nephews and 3 nieces that are not only very close in age but also very close to one another. It is amazing to see their strong friendships at such a young age.

 About Doug and Heather:

Doug is JoJo’s oldest brother.  JoJo has always looked up to her big brother.  Doug has been married to Heather for 8 years and together they have 4 children, 3 boys and a girl.  Doug provides for his family working as a Quality Control Inspector.  They stay very involved in their community and church.  Their oldest son is a Tiger Scout and all 3 boys play soccer.  The kids also attend school, participate in play groups, story time at the Library, and music group.  Heather is a Stay at Home Mom and member of MOPS (Mother’s of Pre-Schoolers).  She loves to learn new skills such as sewing, photography, crocheting and various do it yourself projects.  Doug and his family love to do things together.  They take a vacation every year as a family and do at least one activity a week together.  
About Paul and Anna:

Paul is JoJo’s brother who has always been there to help her succeed. He is extremely wise and often knows the perfect answer to fix a problem. Anna is Paul's fantastic wife and together they make a great team. Paul and Anna are a very loving couple and would do anything for their children. Paul and Anna have a  boy and a little girl that are the light of their life. Paul currently works as a Systems Engineer and enjoys finding answers to computer problems. Anna is a superb stay at home mom and loves to teach her children and answer their many questions. They enjoy spending time together as a family and love going on trips. They are both problem solvers and enjoy helping others succeed in life. Their house is filled with love and kindness.

About Evelena,and Rob:
Evelena is JoJo’s sister and has always been her best friend. She is supportive and has always included JoJo in her life.  Evelena is extremely intelligent and has always helped and tutored JoJo in school, helping her to succeed at her goals. Together Rob and Evelena are a great team and love spending time with their toddler and baby girl. Rob works as a computer programmer while Evelena is a stay at home mom.  Evelena utilizes her bachelors degree in Elementary Education and  previous experience as a middle school math teacher to educate her children and teach them basic skills. together they strive to teach their children to not only be intelligent in academic fields, but also to be productive citizens that contribute to society.  They are  an awesome couple and are great with children and youth. 

About Mark and Pearl:
 JoJo’s parents, Mark and Pearl have been married for 32 years and love their four kids and eight grandchildren. They have been a perfect example of showing love for their kids and enjoy seeing them succeed. They are extraordinary grandparents and adore every moment with their grandchildren. Mark has spent over 25 years serving this country and is now retired from the military and works with the United States Forest Services. Pearl who has always loved being a stay at home mom now spends time with her grandchildren and enjoys spoiling them with love. They are both amazing parents and JoJo has never doubted that they love her.