How We Met

Although we both grew up in different states, we were brought together by a miracle. 
My (JoJo), brother in-law Rob, and my sister Evelena, were together for two years prior to Rob serving an LDS mission.  In 2005 Rob was called to serve in Mississippi, but shortly after he was called, he was reassigned to serve in South Carolina because of Hurricane Katrina.  Two weeks after Rob arrived in South Carolina, he was greeted by his trainer, Cory.
One night when I was on a date, Evelena decided to make really big rice crispy treats for Rob and his companion Cory.  When I arrived home from the date Evelena told me she had made a really large football rice crispy treat for Cory and asked me to write to him. I agreed and wrote a tiny note explaining who I am and asking him questions about his mission. About a week later he wrote back and I thought he seemed like a nice person and we continued to write for the rest of his two year assignment.  Throughout the close to two years we wrote, I felt like I had gotten to know a good friend and knew that something about him was different. I desired to meet him and decided to go visit him in Utah with my sister and a friend. The trip lasted 10 days and after those 10 days I knew there was something special about him. After I returned home to New Mexico, I could not stop thinking about Cory and I knew that I had more feelings for him than I thought. Cory and I continued to call each other every day and made frequent trips back and forth visiting each other.  After about 6 months of a long distance relationship I felt like I needed to move to Utah and further our relationship.  After eleven months of dating we were married as an eternal family on May 24th 2008.
Even though we have only been married for four years, they have been the best years of our lives. We are truly best friends and we can spend hours just talking. I am so thankful for the opportunity that I have to be a part of such an amazing man’s life and to share my love with him forever.